Lantronix Wireless Design Contest

Posted on 28/08/2005 by wcox in Industry

Here's your chance to win $5,000! The Lantronix wireless design contest, sponsored by, you guessed it, Lantronix, the makers of our favorite really small webserver. The goal is to "Wirelessly network-enable your machine or device with a Lantronix WiPort™ ... and you could win $5,000."

They're also giving the first 50 registered contestants 50% of their WiPort dev kit. Contestants are also entered into a monthly drawing - this month the prize is a PSP.

The WiPort offers serial to 802.11b, TCP/IP stack, web interface, 11 GPIO pins, dual serial ports, and 128bit WEP. The development kit goes for $299 on Mouser. The WiPort by itself retails at $119 for single quantities. The XPort (the wired version) goes for $49.

Not bad at all. So, get out there and web-enable your robot. Maybe you'll win $5,000. Just be sure to let us know about it when it happens!

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