Korea Wants RoboCops by 2010's

Posted on 17/01/2006 by wcox in Industry
Image Korea's Center for Intelligent Robots is creating a 40 member panel to discuss the feasiblilty of creating robotic security forces for the nation.

``If the robots prove to be viable technically and commercially, we will be able to begin developing them late next year,'' said Lee Ho-gil, head of the center.

But that's not all! In a move akin to the US Military's Future Combat Systems, Korea plans to network the devices on its expansive 3G network, thereby distributing the smarts and making each RoboCop unit a mindless killing unit just a mechanical shell with just enough smarts to control its motion. There's also plans for other robots that, "will take the shape of a dog or a horse, with six or eight legs or wheels."

I'm assuming the Korean's haven't heard of Skynet.

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