Julia Tsao and her FlyFire mini-robots concept

Posted on 24/02/2010 by vabry
remote control mini robots Remember the MIT's FlyFire project which we told you about three days ago? It consists of the development of tiny multicolored, autonomous robots that can be both mobile and stationary in space. Julia Tsao, a student from California working on a Design Master, produced a few months ago, a simulation display whose idea is very similar to FlyFire. Simply amazing: tiny robots move all by themselves in the house and turn into a TV, water your plants, show you the keys that you lost, and the clock so that you won't forget an appointment, etc. The robots communicate with objects in the room and the possibilities are endless. We are confident that robotics geeks and fans will love the remote control (pictured above) and the warnings below :-) flyfire alert Julia Tsao warning via botjunkie
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