Giant Electromagnets Control a Tiny Surgery Robot

Posted on 15/09/2010 by carlos-31 in Medical
Tags: Surgery
Octomag Eye Surgery RobotOctomag Eye Surgery Robot
The Octomag, a giant but friendly electromagnets arrangement, is able to control a very small surgery robot with 5 DoF (degrees of freedom) in free space. This means that the tiny robot can be moved and rotated in free space in every possible way. It is capable of passing trough a needle and could be injected into a human eyeball, for instance, and operate completely untethered. The tiny robot can be controlled in such a precise way that it could clear blood clots present in the human eye blood vessels. The video below shows the giant and tiny robot working in tandem. Attentive viewers will also note that the SpaceExplorer is used to control the position and orientation of the robot in space. Via BotJunkie.
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