Get Your Smart Human From Htech

Posted on 03/01/2013 by carlos-31 in Entertainment
Henry and the Incredibly Incorrigible, Inconveniently Intelligent Smart HumanHenry and the Incredibly Incorrigible, Inconveniently Intelligent Smart Human
Author Lynn Messina imagined a world where robots are the norm and humans are convenient appliances to do menial chores around the house. In her book Henry and the Incredibly Incorrigible, Inconveniently Intelligent Smart Human the author brings to life a world were the roles of robots and humans are reversed and shows how a simple switch can change our perspective on a particular situation.
Henry’s new best friend loves to read MegaBot comics, watch helioball and play video games. Only… his new best friend is a human appliance and every robot knows the ordinary household gadget can’t read, watch, play or think. Or can it? - Henry and the Incredibly Incorrigible, Inconveniently Intelligent Smart Human
How different is a robot from a human, especially when they start evolving the same characteristics than us? How should we treat smart and possibly sentient robots? Leave your thoughts and comments below.
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