Get Yerself a New Hand, with The Southampton Remedi-Hand!

Posted on 21/09/2005 by wcox in Industry
ImageA team of folks from across the pond, University of Southampton, claim to have invented the best artificial hand so far. That's quite a claim for the 6 motor device. The, "team has designed a prototype that uses six sets of motors and gears so each of the five fingers can move independently."

Replacing the hands we were originally designed with is no small task, but, "the new hand - called the Southampton Remedi-Hand - can be connected to muscles in the arm via a small processing unit and is controlled by small contractions of the muscles which move the wrist."

The new artificial hand weighs less than a real hand and has a realistic range of movement. "The researchers say it has the first artificially-made opposable thumb."

When do they make the chainsaw attachment?

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