First Lego League: French at the Open International Championship in Taiwan

Posted on 16/02/2010 by vabry in Competitions
Tags: Lego
First Lego League Voix du Nord reports that teacher Olivier Cassez is going to participate in the Open International Championship in Taiwan with 8 of his students. This is the First Lego League which gathers participants from 60 countries and is an international contest where the aim is to present useful and cutting edge robots, using Lego Mindstorms pieces. The contest is open to teenagers accompanied by their teachers. The teacher's team is the two time French champion but this time, they are involved in a competition of international scale. We wish them good luck and that they come back with the "gold medal" from their Olympics! Olivier Cassez is a multidisciplinary as well as mechanical engineering teacher at Jean-Prouvé de Lomme high school. source
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