Hiroshi Ishiguro hits us again with a new creepy robot. The Japanese roboticist has been populating the Uncanny Valley with his creations for some time now. This time, he brings us a smaller version of the very scary robot
Telenoid R1. Although this new version is much smaller than the original it is every bit as creepy (if not much more).
Elfoid along with unsuspecting humans
The idea behind this disturbing creation is to use a motion-capture system to transmit your face and head movements to the Elfoid, which then reproduces them, along with your voice, on its own little larva body, thus conveying your presence. In short, it is a squishy and wiggly cell-phone.
Elfoid Used as a Cellphone by his Creator
We admit we are a bit biased on the creepiness of this robot. We find it utterly creepy and that is absolutely subjective. On the other hand, it is only by being exposed to new ideas, which make us uncomfortable at times, that we can embrace the robotic revolution.
Elfoid Parts
IEEE Spectrum.