e-Nuvo, Nuvo for Educators

Posted on 05/12/2005 by wcox in Humanoids
ImageZMP, the Makers of the Nuvo robot have created an educational version called, "eNuvo" for use in schools. Robots-Dreams.com has some video and more information about it, in addition to the video on ZMP's site.
[The] 12 weeks course includes: Coordinate systems of link structure, Motor Driver circuit (H-Bridge/PWM), Processor & Sensors, Serial Communication, Feedback Control and other fundamentals to control robots.
Each of Nuvo's legs has 6 joints and are controlled by a customized motor controller. According to ZMP's site, eNuvo is:
(1) Handy, Light, Desktop Humanoid (2) Availability to alter system elements (adding sensors?) according to your lecture style (3) Convenient Microsoft Windows based system (4) Complete software development environment including “Control GUI”, “Robot Programming API”, “Motion Editor” and etc.
I believe the repackaging of commercial robots into educational kits could be a huge new market for Japanese robotics companies, especially if they begin to target the US market. Hopefully, the US will eventually catch up, but until then, I'd love to have a eNuvo kit under my Christmas tree! Related Posts:
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