Visual Lego software project allows you to gain full control of your NXT brick via .NET (Visual Basic, C#, etc.). This software wrapper allows you to access all the bricks functionality over the serial bluetooth link. The library, written by Bram Fokke, is almost complete. It can be downloaded as a beta version as of now.
When I bought my MindStorms kit, one of the things that was high on my list of priorities was operationg the NXT from a C# application.
Microsoft Robotics Studio offers a way to do this. MRS is a very powerfull tool which unfortunately makes using it less than straightforward.
The project currently has two modes of operation, Wrapper Mode and Direct Mode. The former functions as a wrapper class for the Bluetooth-to-NXT protocall and the latter gives you access to functions to control all of the NXT's sensor and motor functions. In Direct Mode, all the processing is done on the computer and commands are sent to the NXT. Fokke is currnetly working on a third mode of operation, 'Precise Mode' which will execute the software on the NXT brick and use supervision from the computer. This will allow for very precise timing and control of the brick.
This should be a powerful tool for hobbiest to create some impressive NXT creations. I can't wait to see them!