Aldebaran-Robotics' NAO Chosen to be New Standard Platform for RoboCup

Posted on 01/09/2007 by wcox in Industry
Image The NAO Humanoid robot from French robotics company, Aldebaran Robotics, was recently chosen by the RoboCup Standard Platform League to be its new standard platform. The league, formerly known as the Four-Legged League, used to use Sony's AIBO robot as it's standard platform. However, since Sony has canceled its robotics divison, a new platform had to be chosen.

In the league all teams use identical robots. Therefore the teams concentrate on software development only, while still using state-of-the-art robots. The robots operate fully autonomously, i.e. there is no external control, neither by humans nor by computers. This year, the league goes through a transition from the four-legged Sony AIBO to the humanoid Aldebaran Nao.

This certainly is exciting news for Aldebaran Robotics, which is a relatively new company. They plan on releasing NAO to the general public later this year for around 3,000 EUROS, or about $4,000 USD.

We were able to talk to Bruno Maisonnier, the CEO of Aldebaran, at RoboCup2007 (this is prior to the announcement). You can check out the interview below:

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