Addressing the Current Situation with Vector 2.0 AI Robot

The Vector 2.0 AI Robot by Digital Dream Labs has been a beloved companion for many, offering unique interactive experiences. However, recent issues have impacted its availability and functionality. This article aims to provide clarity on the current status and offer guidance to both potential buyers and current owners of Vector 2.0.

Current Issues

Server Downtime: One of the main issues affecting Vector 2.0 is server downtime. Digital Dream Labs has reported that the servers required for some of Vector's functionalities have been down for over a year. This has severely limited the robot's capabilities, particularly for new users trying to set up their robots or for existing users looking to access full features. Digital Dream Labs has assured us that they are working on the issue and that the servers will be back up within a few weeks.

Stock Shortages: Compounding the server issues, there have also been significant supply chain disruptions. Since the beginning of the year, RobotShop has only been able to receive stock once, and since then, we have struggled to restock. The supplier has repeatedly pushed back restock dates, leading to frustration among potential buyers. They again have assured us that stock will be available in the next few months.

Affected Features

Due to the server downtime, several features of Vector 2.0 are currently affected:

  1. Facial Recognition: Vector's ability to recognize and remember faces is hindered, impacting personalized interactions.

  2. Weather Updates: Real-time weather updates, one of Vector’s interactive features, are not functioning.

  3. Voice Commands with Alexa: Integration with Alexa for expanded voice command capabilities is limited.

  4. Cloud-Based Updates: Any new updates or feature enhancements that rely on cloud connectivity are delayed.

  5. Interactive Games and Knowledge Queries: Vector’s ability to play interactive games and answer questions using cloud-based information is restricted.

Statements from Digital Dream Labs

Digital Dream Labs has acknowledged these challenges on their official channels. Here is a recent statement from their support page:

"We understand the frustration that our users are experiencing due to the prolonged server downtime. Our team is working diligently to resolve these issues and restore full functionality to Vector 2.0. We appreciate your patience and continued support during this time." — Digital Dream Labs.

They have also provided updates on their support page, detailing ongoing efforts to troubleshoot and resolve these issues, as well as guidance for users on maintaining and updating their robots during this period.

For Potential Buyers

If you are considering purchasing a Vector 2.0, it is essential to be aware of these ongoing issues. While the robot offers a range of engaging and educational features, the current server downtime means that some functionalities may not be fully accessible for the time being.

For Current Owners

For those who already own a Vector 2.0, Digital Dream Labs recommends keeping your robot connected to Wi-Fi and checking for software updates regularly. They have a comprehensive support section on their website with troubleshooting steps and detailed guides on managing and updating Vector. 


While the Vector 2.0 AI Robot is currently facing some significant challenges, Digital Dream Labs is committed to resolving these issues. We appreciate the patience and understanding of both current and potential customers as the company works through these technical and supply chain hurdles. RobotShop will keep you updated on the situation, so don’t forget to subscribe to the Newsletter to stay informed. You can also always subscribe to the email alert to be notified when it finally arrives in stock.

By staying informed and following the recommended steps, you can still enjoy many of the features that make Vector 2.0 a unique and engaging companion.


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