Les leçons 1 à 6 de cette série de tutoriels comprennent les éléments de conception sous-tendant la construction d’un VAT /drone multirotor sur mesure. La leçon 7 est toutefois entièrement facultative et décrit les pièces utili…
For many of us, R2D2 was one of the first "real" robots we wanted to "get to know" as a robot friend (sorry C3P0, you were just too opinionated). Tony Dyson was the master builder of the R2D2 droid, and he passed away on March 4, 2016 at the young age of 68.
UPDATE: Congratulations to Brady Flannery and Chris Hurd for being featured on Time Warner Cable (TWC) News: http://www.twcnews.com/nys/central-ny/news/2016/02/25/cazenovia-hs-student-develops-robotics-invention.html "Necessity is the mother of invention" and one of the best ways to come …
Arduino has grown almost exponentially in popularity since it was first released and is well known in the world of robotics as an inexpensive, highly versatile and easy to learn software and hardware platform for electronic and robotic experimentation. However, the introduction of the Raspberry …
Gregg Teaby, a retired engineer, creats a powered walker to help his disabled daughter. His latest design uses the Lynxmotion track system.