Rotrics Dexarm several problems

I have several problems, anybody who knows the rotricsDexarm very well? First: after trying to update the firmware of the touchscreen ther are 3 dark lines on the screen, nothing else. So what happend and what can I do?
2nd: how can I teach the dexarm the movements without an record- knob in the rotric - studio-programm? In the touchscreen there ist a record knob and very easy to show hiim what he has to do…

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Hi @cyberspider and welcome to the forum.

I haven’t used this robotic arm, but did you purchased it from RobotShop?

Also, did you try contacting Rotrics support?

Hi @cyberspider.

I had the same problem with the touchscreen and ignored it for years, because the buttons still worked, if you knew where they were. Recently I tried to find a solution and someone on the Rotrics Discord server got an older version of the firmware V1.1.1 for the touchscreen then the one on the Rotrics website. Installing that firmware worked for me.

You can get the screen to work normally if you follow the instructions of this troubleshooting post on the Rotrics knowledge base, but the arm does not react to any of the commands (this was at least the case for me). It reverts the touchscreen firmware to version V1.0.8.