Troubleshooting a robot, building a custom robot, or simply searching for the right part is significantly easier when there are others who are not only knowledgeable but are willing and able to help.

RobotShop understands that selecting the ideal robot, building a custom robot and troubleshooting is important to users.
GoRobotics >> Education
GoRobotics is the ultimate destination for learning about robotics. Get busy learning how to make robots with our vast educational content. It is intended to provide both new and seasoned robot builders with the tools, information, and contacts they need to build ever increasingly complex robots.
Membership is free and anyone can post threads about any robot-related topic ranging from generic ideas for robots to specific/complex programming issues. The robotic community has proven time and time again to be open to helping new hobbyists. We hope that you too will share the knowledge and skills you gain when building robots.
RobotShop’s staff includes technicians and engineers capable of helping you with a variety of different issues pertaining to products offered through RobotShop Distribution Inc. When submitting a new forum post, you can select that it be "private".
The "ROBOT" section of the community has many creations from very talented and enthusiastic members. These can provide inspiration, and also help resolve similar issues you might be facing.
The Tutorials section is intended to provide knowledge about robotics, without being specific to a project. Tutorials can be about general topics or relate to specific aspects of robotics.
Product Information
Many robotic parts manufacturers try to provide as much information about their products as possible. Often manuals can be downloaded prior to purchase and you should strongly consider looking through the manual to see if it has been written in a way you can understand. RobotShop makes every attempt to include as much information about a product on the product page. Information such as PDF files, ZIP Files (including software), Videos, and more can be found at the bottom of each product description when available.
Aside from emails, more and more manufacturers have created forums to encourage users of their products to share information, questions, and ideas. Often these forums encourage users to submit their successfully completed projects (using their parts).
Live Support
Some manufacturers offer technical support either by chat or telephone. These technicians and engineers are specialized in their products and as such should be asked only for specific information pertaining to their product lineup. Users are encouraged to contact RobotShop before contacting a manufacturer directly, though in certain instances the manufacturer wants to handle all questions and issues.
Search engines
Google and other search engines are proving to be the fastest way for users to find the information they need. If you find parts or additional information that you found useful, do not hesitate to contact RobotShop via the Support Center.

Robotic Books
Do not be fooled into thinking that a robotic book that came out in 2003 is not relevant in 2008. While new, technologically advanced products are brought to market every day, understanding the basics/fundamentals is what will help you in the long run.
Robot Magazines
Robot magazines contain a wealth of information, and back issues can often be ordered. There is often a section that educates the reader about an aspect of robotics and sections that showcase others' accomplishments. There are many magazines that offer printed copies, and many offer digital subscriptions too.
- SERVO Magazine
- Nuts and Volts
- More
The robotic community has proven time and time again to be open to helping new hobbyists. We hope that you too will share the knowledge and skills you gain when building robots. Schools: If you are a student in high school, college, or university, there are most likely resources within your school library available to you free of charge. Consider also talking with teachers (some may be more interested and/or available than others to help you).
Meetup groups are becoming very popular, and the range of topics they cover varies from specific (ex. AI and drones) to general ("robotics"). Groups can start and peter out due to lack of members while others can grow to several hundred members with regular meetings. If you don't see the one you are looking for, there's nothing stopping you from starting your own!
Maker Spaces
More and more maker spaces are popping up in cities, often in their own rented space (which requires that members pay fees to join), in libraries, or even community centers. These spaces are intended to help people get started with technology-centric projects. The first tools they often have included a 3D printer, a soldering iron, hand tools, etc. If the space becomes popular enough, they might have a laser cutter, more complex machinery like CNC mills, etc.
In the case where you are a student, certain teachers at your school may be willing and able to help a bit, even if you don't know them. One example of this is at university, you might speak with a teacher in another department for some quick advice.