Work in progress

Posted on 03/09/2009 by icon
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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First project board : ) Its basically a 40x1 hooked up to a l293d, with a bi-color LED. All the random pins are for either ground or power, with 2 being analogue in's for my 2 sharps (ping still isnt set up). I've also added a 5v regulator via oddbots schem. ( and will soon add a DC barrel plug so I can connect my 9v wall adapter when testing.       ITEMS LEFT TO DO: Connect LCD w/ serial backpack to Serial out on picaxe? I'm not ...

Work in progress

First project board : )

Its basically a 40x1 hooked up to a l293d, with a bi-color LED. All the random pins are for either ground or power, with 2 being analogue in's for my 2 sharps (ping still isnt set up). I've also added a 5v regulator via oddbots schem. ( and will soon add a DC barrel plug so I can connect my 9v wall adapter when testing. 




Connect LCD w/ serial backpack to Serial out on picaxe? I'm not sure where the RX line goes, i've been looking at the bottom left diagram on page 34 of manual 3. Is that correct?

 I still need to add the RX module to the board and I have no clue how I hook it up. 

 Also EEPROMs; i may add a few later if needed.


I could just plug in the motors and put them on the bottom of the board and call it a robot, but im trying to find a decent chassis for this one.

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