Wireless Ethernet controlled Linux Robot

Posted on 13/01/2010 by ajneal
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I built this robot for a friend of mine in exchange for some awesome machine shop work.  It features the following components: Max 96 Round Mobile Robot Platform TS-7250 200 Mhz ARM9 Single Board Computer running Linux Hc11 MC Processor Senscomp Sonar UnitsDevantech Compass ModuleLinksys Wireless Broadband Router The purpose of this robot was the develop navigation routines and when those failed, avoid objects.  

Wireless Ethernet controlled Linux Robot

I built this robot for a friend of mine in exchange for some awesome machine shop work. 

It features the following components:

  • Max 96 Round Mobile Robot Platform
  • TS-7250 200 Mhz ARM9 Single Board Computer running Linux
  • Hc11 MC Processor
  • Senscomp Sonar Units
  • Devantech Compass Module
  • Linksys Wireless Broadband Router

The purpose of this robot was the develop navigation routines and when those failed, avoid objects.


  • CPU: ARM7
  • Operating system: Linus
  • Power source: 12V 7Ahr Gell Cell
  • Programming language: C/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Sencomp / Polaroid Sonar Units
  • Target environment: indoor
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