Virtual Joystick Using Processing and Picaxe!!!

Posted on 04/05/2009 by christhecarpenter
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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For all that is holy in the world --Watch the Video!!! Here's what we got: Processing inputs the posistion of the mouse (x,y). If the mouse is clicked, these cordinates are sent via serial (serial/USB) to a picaxe 28x1 inside of Walter's transmitter. I am using the regular sync cable and plug for this and the serrxd command. From here, the transmitter code is simply dealing with 2 variables, b1 and b2 which used to be coming from the x and y on the manual joystick and sends the same serial data (via ...

Virtual Joystick Using Processing and Picaxe!!!

For all that is holy in the world --Watch the Video!!!

Here's what we got:

Processing inputs the posistion of the mouse (x,y). If the mouse is clicked, these cordinates are sent via serial (serial/USB) to a picaxe 28x1 inside of Walter's transmitter. I am using the regular sync cable and plug for this and the serrxd command. From here, the transmitter code is simply dealing with 2 variables, b1 and b2 which used to be coming from the x and y on the manual joystick and sends the same serial data (via RF) to Walter. One note about the Processing code, I chose a background size of 254 by 254 thus the mouse data was confined to 0-254 --the same as the range of the pots on the old joystick.

From here:

I need to do some cleaning up and refining of the code. When things are solid, I get to move on to building a real "virtual control panel" in processing and start adding more features. I am also looking at some Bluetooth moduals I can add to Walter. My new laptop has Bluetooth built in and with this modual, I can eliminate the need for the existing transmitter as a "middle man"... Anyone want to buy me a Bluetooth modual? :)

Code (Processing):

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; 

 void setup() {
       size(254, 254);
       myPort = new Serial(this, "COM15", 4800);

    void draw() {
  if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) {
    myPort.write (104);
    delay (10);
    myPort.write (mouseX);
    delay (10);
    myPort.write (mouseY);
    delay (10);

Code (Picaxe 28x2):

 'this is a picaxe 28x2 on a test board with a serial LCD for debug testing only

pause 2000
gosub clearscreen

serrxd b0
if b0=104 then gosub numbersin 'consider this a "start byte" (104) is for "10-4 Good, Buddy"
goto main

serrxd b1
serrxd b2
SEROUT 2,T9600_8,("  ",#b1,"  ",#b2,"  ")
goto main

serout 2,T9600_8,(254,1)
pause 10




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