Useless Machine

Posted on 22/07/2011 by costyn
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Not sure if this counts as a robot, but it does use a servo and has a circuit. This is my second useless machine actually, the first one I sold to a friend. The first one I slapped together but the second one I designed on the computer first and then measured out all the parts, trying to get it as small as possible. The limiting factor was the battery case which holds 4 AA's.

Useless Machine

Not sure if this counts as a robot, but it does use a servo and has a circuit. This is my second useless machine actually, the first one I sold to a friend. The first one I slapped together but the second one I designed on the computer first and then measured out all the parts, trying to get it as small as possible. The limiting factor was the battery case which holds 4 AA's.

  • Actuators / output devices: one servo
  • Control method: DPDT switch
  • Power source: 4x AA (1.2V) for powering the servo's
  • Target environment: indoor
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