Posted on 01/07/2011 by soapfeldmann
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I´m from Brazil and this is my first robot. I called it UMAC-1. In my language it means "Unidade Móvel Anti-Colisão". In english, it would be ACMU("Anti-collision mobile unit"). It was built over a toy Jeep, using 4 relays and 4 transistors, the PIC controls 2 toy motors that handles the traction and direction of the back and front wheels, respectivly. The processor I used is a PIC16F628A which is very small, this is the why there are no more pins available for LEDs. The servo motor I used is ...


I´m from Brazil and this is my first robot.

I called it UMAC-1. In my language it means "Unidade Móvel Anti-Colisão". In english, it would be ACMU("Anti-collision mobile unit").

It was built over a toy Jeep, using 4 relays and 4 transistors, the PIC controls 2 toy motors that handles the traction and direction of the back and front wheels, respectivly.

The processor I used is a PIC16F628A which is very small, this is the why there are no more pins available for LEDs. The servo motor I used is a TV Parabolic Antenna LNB servo, which is very cheap.

An ultrasonic range-finder detects the walls by calculating the distance with the time an ultrasonic wave takes to hit an obtacle and return. Then, this value is used to check if the robot is too close to a wall; if so, the robot stops, goes some inches backward and rotates the servo-motor the range-finder is attached on, to determine the distance between the robot and both left and right sides. After determinating which side is the farest, it turns it´s front wheels towards that way and goes forward. After sometime it centers it´s wheels and the program restarts.

It was completely developed in CCS compiler and it´s schematic was drawn in Proteus.

Navigate around via ultrasound

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