UGLY roaming quadruped

Posted on 13/06/2011 by tman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This critter has been with me for some time. Built around a (discontinued) Crustcrawler quadwalking kit, UGLY is now an autonomous 2dof, 4 legged roamer using a Basic Stamp and BOE tied into a Ping sonar. He has a fairly cool gait and routines that keep him mobile so long as he doesn't find himself lost in the treacherous terrain of chair legs under the dining room table. UGLY is not a robot you want to leave unattended. This navigation challenge could be alleviated by simply including infrared sensors ...

UGLY roaming quadruped

This critter has been with me for some time. Built around a (discontinued) Crustcrawler quadwalking kit, UGLY is now an autonomous 2dof, 4 legged roamer using a Basic Stamp and BOE tied into a Ping sonar. He has a fairly cool gait and routines that keep him mobile so long as he doesn't find himself lost in the treacherous terrain of chair legs under the dining room table. UGLY is not a robot you want to leave unattended. This navigation challenge could be alleviated by simply including infrared sensors and touch sensors to his took kit of navigation. I just haven't had the time. You will note in the vids that his appearance morphs. At one point, his sonar was mounted on top and included a stylish bonnet. Later on, I moved the mount to the very front of the bot. This is a fun project I return to from time to time.  Keeps me off the streets at night.

Autonomous roaming using a variety of gaits

  • Actuators / output devices: 2dof per leg, 8 high torque Hitec servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Basic Stamp mounted on Board of Education
  • Power source: 7.2vdc for mechanicals, 9vdc for logic
  • Programming language: pbasic 2.5
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping sonar
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