TrashBot v1.0: my first four-servo biped robot that actually walks.
inspired by BOB by badji here at LMR, i wanted to build my own four servo biped walker after i kind of failed on the rather complicated 12 servo ROFI. i love BOB's simplicity and also the gait pattern generating software, i really admire the designer's knack for simplicity and clarity in his solutions. my present bot is more built from stuff i had floating around, this is not about beauty but really about learning the principles of a good gait, smooth walking and understanding the real world's problems on the implementation.
one of the things that really bug me: when you connect the lipo to the system, the servos do all sorts of strange things. obviously this is because they get power before the servo.attach command is grabbing them. this is bad behaviour (see the video, i have to lift him to not fall over when i switch him on), has anybody found a solution?
btw: you can see the full description how i built it on my blog.
update 08.12.14: hunted down the "seizure" problem when powering up and fixed it, see my latest blog post how.
walks on two legs