Trace - E

Posted on 02/10/2010 by networkzombie
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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So after lots of hard-work, frustation, time, spending money on wrong parts; I built a robot. Its a Photovore based on NPN transistors. when its LDRs are pointed towards the floor, it becomes a line follower. i used the following parts- 1.)  2 X 2N3904 NPN transistors 2.)  2 X Solarbotics GM9s 3.)  2 X Cds LDRs 3.)  2 X Wheels 4.) Battery holder

Trace - E

So after lots of hard-work, frustation, time, spending money on wrong parts; I built a robot. Its a Photovore based on NPN transistors. when its LDRs are pointed towards the floor, it becomes a line follower.

i used the following parts-

1.)  2 X 2N3904 NPN transistors

2.)  2 X Solarbotics GM9s

3.)  2 X Cds LDRs

3.)  2 X Wheels

4.) Battery holder

Follows lights

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Solarbotics GM9
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: 6V
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 x CDS Photocells
  • Target environment: indoor
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