The Turret Robot 2.0
The Turret Robot 2.0 is a face tracking robot.
The robot lights up the face its tracking when it points the face.
The turret is controlled by a software written in C++ using the OpenCV library
The Arduino commands the vertical and horizontal servos.
The software plays Portal voices :) (using mplayer)
The system works this way :
-The robots is on patrol
-The software grabs a picture from webcam
-The software analyze the picture, trying to find a face
-If a face is detected, the software orders the Arduino to move servos to point the face, if the face is on the middle of the picture, the software orders the Arduino to light up its leds.
-Else the robot continue its patrol
All sources are available on under a Creative Common BY SA license
Face tracking and light up the face with its leds
- Actuators / output devices: Servos : ModelCraft RS-2
- Control method: USB Port ( messages through Serial protocol and FTDI adapter )
- CPU: Arduino
- Power source: 5V through USB
- Programming language: C/C++
- Sensors / input devices: Logitech Webcam
- Target environment: indoor