The Milerunner
Finally posted something...
But yeah:
This is my 6th robot, and it is my version of SHR!
It runs on Picaxe 14M, and uses 2 modified micro servos to move.
I had problems with the wheels, and I decided to make my own.
They are NOT perfect, but they do work.
It has got a Sharp IR sensor and later I will add a LDR and make a sumo front plate.
But, all the pictures are in the demonstration video!
Hope you like it!
(Yes, it is glittering hot glue there :P)
Avoid objects and never stop
- Actuators / output devices: 2 modified servos
- CPU: Picaxe 14m
- Operating system: Mac OSX
- Power source: 3 AA Batteries
- Programming language: picbasic
- Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
- Target environment: indoor