The Hennes Family's Yardbot

Posted on 19/09/2012 by hennesmedia
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I am a full time graphic designer, so dreaming is what I do best. I have built small stuff before but this time by luck I came a cross a powered wheelchair real cheap (under $50). So I thought what can I do. Why not build a yard robot. First stage is to build a R/C controlled robot from using an Arduino and the Wheelchairs controller. After the body and the R/C is all working I will look in to making it self mowing and a follow me program.

The Hennes Family's Yardbot

I am a full time graphic designer, so dreaming is what I do best. I have built small stuff before but this time by luck I came a cross a powered wheelchair real cheap (under $50). So I thought what can I do. Why not build a yard robot. First stage is to build a R/C controlled robot from using an Arduino and the Wheelchairs controller. After the body and the R/C is all working I will look in to making it self mowing and a follow me program.

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