The G_Bot

Posted on 05/11/2009 by g_code
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi everyone.I am Giovanni Izar.I am brand new to robotics and this will be my first attempt at making one. I will call it “The G_Bot.I have skimmed through the rules and intend to follow them but forgive me if I stray and correct me when I screw up.I have all my parts but I am not sure if they are all correct so if anyone can spot something wrong or out of place please let me know.When I got my Picaxe 28x1 it came with a 3 battery holder. (I got myself a 4 battery holder from RadioShack (The Scource ...

The G_Bot

Hi everyone.I am Giovanni Izar.I am brand new to robotics and this will be my first attempt at making one. I will call it “The G_Bot.I have skimmed through the rules and intend to follow them but forgive me if I stray and correct me when I screw up.I have all my parts but I am not sure if they are all correct so if anyone can spot something wrong or out of place please let me know.When I got my Picaxe 28x1 it came with a 3 battery holder. (I got myself a 4 battery holder from RadioShack (The Scource in Canada).  This immediately got me thinking voltages and I have concern about whether the motors I have will hold the voltage I will be feeding them.  I guess they will just go faster but  I will be watching for smoke none the less.The servo I got is a continuous rotation servo. Will this be ok?I like the look of the Tamiya gearbox i found and decided to use it instead of the G9 motors in the Start here tutorial. I may get the G9’s later.The sensor I got is listed as a GP2D12 and not GP2D120 as noted in the tutorial. I hope it is the same thingI forgot to order the servo chip so I am going with the resistor instead.I got all my parts 2 days ago but could not get myself to start until I had read enough here, photographed and documented everything.
I am a CNC Programmer Machinist and will probably make my own wheels.
I am now ready to make a robot and hope to get some input from some of you.
Knowing me this Robot will look nothing like I expect it to look right now and will probably take much much longer to build than most of you because I am never happy with what I produce the first time round. For instance I will probably turn out 6 pairs of wheels before I am happy with it.
My Photos are at I own the domain and am prepared to dedicate it to LMR if that is a good Idea Whish me luck.

Runs around sees things and avoids them and perhaps makes some robot noises via a speaker

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, IR Sensor, Tamiya Gearbox 114.7:1
  • Control method: Picaxe 28x1
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 4.5 volts (3aa cells)
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2D12 IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoors for now
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