TERMIT 3 (Mine Searchig and Exploring Robot)

Posted on 02/07/2009 by roboticsystem
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I want to share my robot with you. it was made in 2006.Its name isTERMIT The TERMIT is a mine searching and exploratory robot and isstudied with solar energy.It's fully autonomous and remotecontrol.The robot uses 6 dc motors to move the wheels, camera androbot arm. I use one pic16f877 and pic16f628 and two R/C devices. Iuse several mosfet for motor drives. To avoid obstacles I use fiveIR-sensors that give a picture of what the robot is approaching.From that information the robot decides if it should ...

TERMIT 3 (Mine Searchig and Exploring Robot)

I want to share my robot with you. it was made in 2006.Its name is
TERMIT The TERMIT is a mine searching and exploratory robot and is
studied with solar energy.It's fully autonomous and remote
control.The robot uses 6 dc motors to move the wheels, camera and
robot arm. I use one pic16f877 and pic16f628 and two R/C devices. I
use several mosfet for motor drives. To avoid obstacles I use five
IR-sensors that give a picture of what the robot is approaching.
From that information the robot decides if it should go to the left
or the right. And if this robot detections a mine, it will transmit
a signal to control center.I will wait your comments.



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