
Posted on 17/03/2011 by nikel
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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my first robot a suntracker using basic stamp 2 and meccano metal parts   the chrome dish focuses sun, i'm going  to use it to heat water in next build 4 switch (got from mouse) avoid it blocks with servo cables  


my first robot a suntracker using basic stamp 2 and meccano metal parts


the chrome dish focuses sun, i'm going  to use it to heat water in next build

4 switch (got from mouse) avoid it blocks with servo cables


chasing the sun based on the values of the 4 LED while the dish focuses the sun

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 SERVO
  • CPU: Basic Stamp 2
  • Operating system: Basic Stamp
  • Power source: 6 V
  • Programming language: pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: 4 led
  • Target environment: Outdoors
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