
Posted on 29/12/2009 by roboticsystem
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Sun_searcher is a type of robot arm. That carries 2 solar panels each of 6 V and 100 mA. There are two geared dc motors as the actuators. I've used two LDRs to detect the positon where the maximum light exists. Sun_searcher scans the coordinates until it finds the optimum light point. Both of the dc motors has an potentiometer, that is integrated to the system in order to detect the coordinates and transfer them to the microprocessor as analog signals. The microprocessors keeps the coordinates ...


Sun_searcher is a type of robot arm. That carries 2 solar panels each of 6 V and 100 mA. There are two geared dc motors as the actuators. I've used two LDRs to detect the positon where the maximum light exists. Sun_searcher scans the coordinates until it finds the optimum light point. Both of the dc motors has an potentiometer, that is integrated to the system in order to detect the coordinates and transfer them to the microprocessor as analog signals. The microprocessors keeps the coordinates at which the light reached the maximum value for two axis. Therefore, after the scanning process is finished the dc motors provides the motion in order to take the position of these coordinates.

 Sun_searcher is actually designed as a part of a explorer robot. By using sun-searcher on an explorer robot the charging with solar panels will be more effective. So, sun searcher is still on progress.

If you want to see the sun_searcher in action you can watch its video


Detect the positon where maximum light exists, follows the light

  • Actuators / output devices: geared dc motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: PIC16F877A
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x LDR
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