Posted on 08/09/2012 by kevdog
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Purpose: The purpose of this project was to create a robotics platform that would be easy to use and setup for my highschools' robotics club. Description: The robotics platform is made for use with Fingertech Robotics' Tiny Cobra base as well as Parallaxs' sumobot base. the robot can either use motors or servos for motion. On the board, in each corner, is a IR sensor setup. It consists of an IR led as well as a Panosonic Infrared reciever. This setup was inteded for basic object detection only. ...


Purpose: The purpose of this project was to create a robotics platform that would be easy to use and setup for my highschools' robotics club.


The robotics platform is made for use with Fingertech Robotics' Tiny Cobra base as well as Parallaxs' sumobot base. the robot can either use motors or servos for motion. On the board, in each corner, is a IR sensor setup. It consists of an IR led as well as a Panosonic Infrared reciever. This setup was inteded for basic object detection only.

There are 6 headers on the board. Two of the headers are ment for servos. Two are ment for Parallaxs' QTI line sensor. one is ment for the PING ultrasonic sensor. The four pin header is for connection to the programming device of the Propeller; Prop Plug.

  Also I am using the L293DNE motor driver. Which is creating four positive output channels that with some additional circuitry can control the each motor in two directions.  

Fighting Robot (sumo bot)

  • Actuators / output devices: Four motors
  • CPU: Propeller
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: 12 volts
  • Programming language: Spin
  • Sensors / input devices: PING))) sonar sensor, as well as four IR sensor setups.
  • Target environment: Indoors on a sumo ring
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