
Posted on 03/02/2011 by abot
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  Specification Dimension                            :               H = 70mm, L = 75 mm, W = 75 mm Weight                  :               310 gm Chassis             ...




Dimension                            :               H = 70mm, L = 75 mm, W = 75 mm

Weight                  :               310 gm

Chassis                  :               Aluminium, 2mm thickness, H = 42mm, L = 75 mm, W = 75 mm

Drive                                     :               Differential wheel drive with front & back free rollers

Microcontroller                     :               PIC18F4550 capable to run on maximum 48MHz clock

Battery                   :               7.4V, 950mAH Li-ion battery

Motor                                    :               DC Motor RF-300FA (Torque up type), 6V, 3500rpm

Motor driver                          :               L293D

Encoder                                :               24 ppr optical encoder, provision for quadrature encoder

Top Speed                            :               800 mm/s

Wheel diameter                    :               44.5mm including rubber tread

Ground clearance            :               2.5mm

Communication               :               Wireless – Zigbee, Wired – USB & RS232

Sensor                                  :               Dedicated Provision for 6 A/D sensors, sensor daisy chain

Programmer                      :               Supports USB & Serial bootloader or external programmer

Detailed specification of main Controller Board


·         PIC18F4550 8-bit RISC USB-microcontroller with 32 KB Flash Memory, 2KB SRAM

·         Architecture optimized for C compiler supported by 8X8 hardware multiplier

·         10-bit 13-channel ADC, 2 PWM channels, 4 number of 16-bit timer etc.

·         Lower EMI : External 20MHz & internal 48MHz clock using internal PLL multiplier

·         On Board Regulated 5V Power supply for logic circuit

·         Flexibility in programming via USB / Serial bootloader

·         10 bit logic display : 8-bit output from PORTD directly visible on bar-display

·         Option for one bit tri-state digital logic input to microcontroller

·         Separate microcontroller Reset switch

·         Slot to insert XBee wireless communication Module

·         All I/O pins of microcontroller is available for custom applications

·         On board Max 232 Transceiver for asynchronous communication to PC

·         Easy accessible Selector switch for wireless or wired communication

·         Compact motor connector for feedback based DC motor control

·         L293D motor driver for bidirectional speed control of two motors.





The Block Diagram of SquRobot



 The mC pin connection table




Port Name

Dedicated connection



Reset Switch

2, 3

RA0, RA1




1 bit tri-state logic input

5, 6, 7

RA3, RA4, RA5

Sensor connector

8, 9, 10

RE0, RE1, RE2

Sensor connector / (RE0 Daisy chain drive)

13, 14


Crystal Oscillator



Bar Display



L293D (speed control PWM Motor-1)



L293D (Speed control PWM Motor-2)

19, 20, 21, 22

RD0, RD1, RD2, RD3

Bar Display

23, 24

RC4/D-, RC5/D+ 

USB Connector

25, 26



27, 28, 29, 30

RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7

Bar Display

33, 34

RB0, RB1

Motor-1 Connector  (feedback)

35, 36

RB2, RB3

Motor-2 Connector  (feedback)



S-PG switch



Bar Display



L293D (direction control Motor-2)



L293D (direction control Motor-1)



Communication module – Zigbee / RS232

SquRobot Provides two mode of communication to PC or to other robot: Wires - RS232 based or Wireless – Zigbee based. The selector switch as shown bellow makes user enable to select any on of the communication mode. ‘Z’ marking on the PCB indicates the Zigbee based wireless communication mode.


Zigbee module                                                                   :               XBee series1 or series2

Supply Voltage                                                                   :               2.1 - 3.6 V

Operating Current (Transmit, max power)                          :               40mA (3.3 V, boost mode)

           35mA (3.3 V, normal mode)

Operating Current (Receive))                                              :               40mA (3.3 V, boost mode)

           38mA (3.3 V, normal mode)

Operating Frequency Band                                          :               ISM 2.4 GHz

Operating Temperature                                                      :               -40 to 85º C (industrial)

Antenna Options                                                                 :               Integrated Whip / Chip

Supported Network Topologies                                          :               Point-to-point, Point-to-multipoint,

           Peer-to-peer and Mesh (Series2)

Number of Channels                                                           :               16 Direct Sequence Channels


Design File -  Rendered

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