SQ01 (simple quadroped 01)

Posted on 02/01/2009 by saotome
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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well this is what I've been working on for a while. The plans started out as a hexapod with the same basic idea, but the servos I ordered for it are a bit weak so I had to do something with the three larger servos I had. The result is this little guy.  The body and legs are made from clear acrylic. I't light and fairly easy to work with, and I've found a reliable and relatively cheap source for it. It's held together with double-sided tape and a bit of glue. Only place I had to resort to more ...

SQ01 (simple quadroped 01)

well this is what I've been working on for a while.

The plans started out as a hexapod with the same basic idea, but the servos I ordered for it are a bit weak so I had to do something with the three larger servos I had. The result is this little guy. 

The body and legs are made from clear acrylic. I't light and fairly easy to work with, and I've found a reliable and relatively cheap source for it.

It's held together with double-sided tape and a bit of glue. Only place I had to resort to more drastic measures was the middle servo that does the tilting.

I'm hoping to make the gait more stable and fluid with some tinkering in the code. shorter steps and less tilt might help. I also have to work out how to make it turn :)

later I might add sensors to make it navigate by itself, but I still want to work out some stuff about the movements. I'm not sure visual or ultrasonic navigation will work properly on this robot right now because of all the movement and tilting, so I'll have to work that out first.




Update 090103:

I've worked out how to make it turn now!

I use the fact that the robot hardly moves when the legs move independently. I make it rotate by moving the legs in sync and then reset the legs one pair at a time. it completes a 90 degree turn in three sycles, but I think I can improove on it some more.

it's the most efficient way I've found so far, but I'm going to keep at it. I'll hopefully have a video up soon.

I've been thinking about trying some modifications later on. One thing that might aid turning and movement is adding a fourth servo that turns the robot on the middle point. Looks like I'll be ordering some more servos. 


Update 090104:

There, some new videos up. I tried to get more light this time.

I've kept working on the turning and this is as good as I've been able to get it. It's not very efficient but it works. I still think it can be better so I'll keep at it. I've also been able to make it turn while walking forward, but the turn radious is too large for it to be of any use. 

Something needs to be done to the design to make it worth using in the long run. As it is, it can't turn at all on surfaces with high friction. I'd like to try to add a servo in the middle that bends the robot in the horizontal plane to see if it makes it more maneuverable. To try this I'll have to get a new servo and remake the body from scratch. That'll have to wait until I have more time on my hands. in the meantime I'll keep playing around with what I've got.  



  • Actuators / output devices: 2 Hextronics HX5010 and one Futaba S3003
  • Control method: autonomouns
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X
  • Power source: one pack of two AA batteries for the Picaxe and one pack of four AA's for the servos.
  • Programming language: pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: none right now
  • Target environment: indoor
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