Spin: 4 metre, 400kg robotic sailboat

Posted on 13/02/2009 by northcove
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Spin is a modified 2.4mR single-person keel boat. She has 4 onboard Parallax Propeller processors for motor control and system monitoring, 64 channels of A/D, 8 gear motors for winch control, a bunch of linear actuators, and lots of other cool stuff. I hope to finish up her wiring, waterproof her, and have her sailing around Auckland by March '09. She has a carrying trolley with twin 24V, 60A gear motors for getting her up and down gangways for launching.

Spin: 4 metre, 400kg robotic sailboat

Spin is a modified 2.4mR single-person keel boat. She has 4 onboard Parallax Propeller processors for motor control and system monitoring, 64 channels of A/D, 8 gear motors for winch control, a bunch of linear actuators, and lots of other cool stuff. I hope to finish up her wiring, waterproof her, and have her sailing around Auckland by March '09. She has a carrying trolley with twin 24V, 60A gear motors for getting her up and down gangways for launching.

Sails by onboard joystick, eventually autonomous

  • CPU: 4 onboard Parallax Propeller microprocessors (so far)
  • Power source: 3-5 12V, 18AH SLA
  • Programming language: Spin, the native interpreted language for the Propeller microprocessor
  • Target environment: Marine
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