
Posted on 29/10/2008 by tomphysics
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My first  fully working microcontroller project, just in time for halloween. I got the idea from evil mad scientist labs and then saw BOA's haloween bot challenge, and thought I had to post it here.    It runs from my picaxe 28 board with my new servo upgrade.inside is a servo with a balsa wood arm glued on.   


My first  fully working microcontroller project, just in time for halloween. I got the idea from evil mad scientist labs and then saw BOA's haloween bot challenge, and thought I had to post it here.


 It runs from my picaxe 28 board with my new servo upgrade.inside is a servo with a balsa wood arm glued on. 


opens its mouth and bites

  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
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