Snakinator - limbless snake robot

Posted on 04/02/2009 by rustw
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is our entry into the PIC32 challenge. Please check it out on and VOTE FOR US before 2/10/09! It is our first robot. All of the source (schematic, source code, etc.) is available on the mypic32 site (see link above). Please give us feedback. The robot is a limbless snake robot with a PIC32 brain. It contains a microSD card reader to load in the various gaits to control the snake movement.  Other sensors include an accelerometer, ultrasonic rangefinder, and touch ...

Snakinator - limbless snake robot

This is our entry into the PIC32 challenge. Please check it out on and VOTE FOR US before 2/10/09!

It is our first robot. All of the source (schematic, source code, etc.) is available on the mypic32 site (see link above).

Please give us feedback.

The robot is a limbless snake robot with a PIC32 brain. It contains a microSD card reader to load in the various gaits to control the snake movement.  Other sensors include an accelerometer, ultrasonic rangefinder, and touch sensors along the bottom.

We hope to complete it during the next month and have a final video!

A snake robot. Serpentine locomotion and other snake gaits read from a micro SD card. Obstable avoidance and eventially path planning.

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, pager motor
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Microchip PIC32
  • Operating system: none
  • Power source: AAA battery cells
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: touch, ultrasound, accelerometer, i2c, sd, microsd
  • Target environment: indoor
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