Singing Robot Betty9: Humanoid

Posted on 06/04/2012 by thomasfromla
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I've been building Robot Betty9 for about 10 years. She has an Arduino, a Basic Stamp, A Vex for her power rollerskates, and uses an EZ Robot board for AI, and face recognition. I am attempting to get her to walk. Quite a feet.

Singing Robot Betty9: Humanoid

I've been building Robot Betty9 for about 10 years. She has an Arduino, a Basic Stamp, A Vex for her power rollerskates, and uses an EZ Robot board for AI, and face recognition. I am attempting to get her to walk. Quite a feet.

Sings, recognizes faces, recognizes speech

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos, speakers
  • Control method: Semi-autonomous, Bluetooth, radio
  • CPU: Arduino, EZ robot, Vex, Microsoft Win7
  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Power source: AC
  • Programming language: C, Visual Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Kinect, Voice IO
  • Target environment: Night Clubs
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