Simple whisker bot

Posted on 26/07/2009 by peteh
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Well I have finally started my first bot for this site.   This is basically a re-build of a robot I made around a year ago, using the Picaxe School experimentor board, using an 08M chip. I have now purpose built on veroboard a new circuit allowing simpler plug-in of components.  Drive is by two modified servos and detectors are two long armed micro switches. Finished work late last night but did not function correctly.  Thinking about it I came to the conclusion I have left out a couple of ...

Simple whisker bot

Well I have finally started my first bot for this site.


This is basically a re-build of a robot I made around a year ago, using the Picaxe School experimentor board, using an 08M chip. I have now purpose built on veroboard a new circuit allowing simpler plug-in of components.  Drive is by two modified servos and detectors are two long armed micro switches.

Finished work late last night but did not function correctly.  Thinking about it I came to the conclusion I have left out a couple of pull-up resistors off and the microswitches are only being seen as on.


Don't have internet at home so photos will come later.  I also don't have video capability :(


Once this is working correctly the next stage is to modify it to use sharp IR distance module.  THe real challenge is in using the 08M to the max!



simple avoidance robot

  • Actuators / output devices: modifies servos
  • CPU: picaxe 08M
  • Power source: Li-Ion 10.4v 1.4Ahr
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper switches
  • Target environment: indoors
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