Simple PID LFR using PICBasic Pro 2.46

Posted on 03/05/2012 by holy_rainman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Project Name: Simple LFR PID using PICBasic Pro Author/Designer: holy_rainman Project Description: To implement classic PID control algorithm to the Line Following Robot using Basic Language. The sensors used are from CYTRON SN-IRS-02 (thanks for the cute sensor) and are processed using analogue method. The motor driver used are L293D + micrometal gearmotor 30:1 which are common in mobile robot . I made the PCB board stacked together cause it gives a compact image towards the robot. I put on a common ...

Simple PID LFR using PICBasic Pro 2.46

Project Name: Simple LFR PID using PICBasic Pro

Author/Designer: holy_rainman

Project Description: To implement classic PID control algorithm to the Line Following Robot using Basic Language. The sensors used are from CYTRON SN-IRS-02 (thanks for the cute sensor) and are processed using analogue method. The motor driver used are L293D + micrometal gearmotor 30:1 which are common in mobile robot . I made the PCB board stacked together cause it gives a compact image towards the robot. I put on a common LCD to scroll the menu and to ease the troubleshooting process. The hardware cost around RM 250. The robot from the video are a bit sluggish cause the optimum pid value was not tuned at that time. Need a bit tuning, tweeking and some trial and error to obtain the correct value.


The LFR:

PCB Top 1:

PCB Top 2:

PCB Bottom 1:

PCB Bottom 2:

Compiler: PICBasic Pro 2.46

Source code: Basic Language

Schematics & PCB Docs:

PCB Top:

PCB Bottom:

Programing: Refer file as per attached.

Follows a line

  • Actuators / output devices: Micrometal Gearmotor 30:1
  • Control method: Autonomous.
  • CPU: Microchip PIC16F877A
  • Power source: 7.4V Li Po Batt
  • Programming language: Basic Language
  • Sensors / input devices: 8 units of IR sensor
  • Target environment: Indoors is best
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