Posted on 19/10/2015 by eagleanurag
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is an Easy Line Follower .. Which is based on simple schematics only just follow some instruction and make it is is very simple...   MAKING PCB  Last week I finally got time to do a bit of work. I made my own PCB :). I wish I had learned this back in college. It have would saved me so much time. What PCBs did I make? The line follower circuit (Click me to open tutorial). This robot uses very little wiring. None of the wires have been soldered. I have also replaced the mounts ...


This is an Easy Line Follower ..

Which is based on simple schematics only
just follow some instruction and make it is is very simple...




Picture of Making  PCB


Last week I finally got time to do a bit of work. I made my own PCB :). I wish I had learned this back in college. It have would saved me so much time. What PCBs did I make? The line follower circuit (Click me to open tutorial). This robot uses very little wiring. None of the wires have been soldered. I have also replaced the mounts for the sensors. I will describe everything in today’s post.

Before we begin, you’ll need to know how to design and build your own PCBs. A friend of mine has written excellent, very well explained tutorials for this. He uses Eagle. I will try learning KiCad for you free software folks. I’m having trouble with it though (Do pop in a comment if you would like to help me out)
link are below

follow line

  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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