Simple Bot

Posted on 02/01/2012 by mlandergan
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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For christmas I got a couple of robot parts. This robot consists of two continuous rotation servos, a small caster, an arduino uno and a 7.2 nimh battery. I attached the the wheel to the continuous rotation servo with a screw. I then did the same thing to the opposite wheel. I attached both continuous rotation servo to the piece of wood with hot glue.    I then attached all of the servo wires and the 7.2 nimh battery to a mini bread board. I combined all of the grounds together and then ...

Simple Bot

For christmas I got a couple of robot parts. This robot consists of two continuous rotation servos, a small caster, an arduino uno and a 7.2 nimh battery. I attached the the wheel to the continuous rotation servo with a screw. I then did the same thing to the opposite wheel. I attached both continuous rotation servo to the piece of wood with hot glue. 


I then attached all of the servo wires and the 7.2 nimh battery to a mini bread board. I combined all of the grounds together and then attached the wire to gnd on the arduino. I did the same with the 5 volts. I then attached the signal wires to digital pins 9,10, and 11. I then marked off two holes for the mini caster wheel. When I get some time, I will add either an ultrasound sensor or a sharp ir sensor to a mini servo. As of right now it only spins in circles, oblivious to its environment.  

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Continous Rotation servo's for wheels
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Power source: 7.2 nimh battery
  • Programming language: C++
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces
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