
Posted on 20/09/2010 by eagle030388
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This robot uses Mark Tildens H-Bridge design for motor drivers. The brains of the robot is a HEX inverter that until the Sharp IR detects an object the motors go forward. This is the schematic for the SHARP IR  detector.  I have all the schematics, but i dont have a scanner to get it off of my notebook so i apologize for the quality.  the state of the motors are either forward or reverse depending if the IR detects any object.  output 2 and 4 go to the forward and reverse input ...


This robot uses Mark Tildens H-Bridge design for motor drivers. The brains of the robot is a HEX inverter that until the Sharp IR detects an object the motors go forward.

This is the schematic for the SHARP IR  detector.  I have all the schematics, but i dont have a scanner to get it off of my notebook so i apologize for the quality.  the state of the motors are either forward or reverse depending if the IR detects any object.  output 2 and 4 go to the forward and reverse input of the h-bridge. 


I used the wheels of an old model airplane and just screwed them to the servo hornes. 

 The servos are hacked...basically means i took out all the fancy stuff and just hooked two wires straight up to the positive and negative terminals of the motors.  Also i had to take the mechanical stop out of the gear so that it could make a full 360 revolution. 

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Here is a picture of the electrics.

H-bridge upclose and personal.

Navigates via 3 Sharp IR detectors

  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos modified for continuous rotation
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Hex inverter circuit
  • Power source: 6v battery pack
  • Sensors / input devices: 3xSharp IR GP2D12
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