Selfbalancing robot (Arduino)

Posted on 20/07/2012 by sebnil
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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In the video you can see that the robot stays at roughly the same spot on the floor and handles a lighter push without any problem. To achieve this I have two cascade PID controllers and low pass filter on both wheel speed and the robot's angle. Source code, component list and more info [Update 2012-07-27] I programmed a simple moving average filter. This will remove the rapid changes and make the robot calmer and with less overshoots. It also handles pushes much better than before. Video ...

Selfbalancing robot (Arduino)

In the video you can see that the robot stays at roughly the same spot on the floor and handles a lighter push without any problem. To achieve this I have two cascade PID controllers and low pass filter on both wheel speed and the robot's angle.

Source code, component list and more info

[Update 2012-07-27]

I programmed a simple moving average filter. This will remove the rapid changes and make the robot calmer and with less overshoots. It also handles pushes much better than before. Video here.

  • Actuators / output devices: geared motors
  • Control method: PID
  • CPU: arduino leonardo
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: NiMH 12V 1600mAH
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: motor encoders, IMU sensor
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