Scrap "Decipede" Walker/Roller

Posted on 19/01/2014 by drewtoby
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Just posting what I have done thus far. When I posted Decascrap a while back, I stated that I had a different idea to begin with. Well, here is the start of it! My goal is to have this segment be able to walk (caterpillar like locomotion), in addition to being able to fold into a hexagon to roll. The individual guitar pick "legs" are perpendicular to the unfolded bot, allowing for it to turn while walking/rolling. They move back/forth using the same hinges and basic setup of Decascrap, only with ...

Scrap "Decipede" Walker/Roller

Just posting what I have done thus far. When I posted Decascrap a while back, I stated that I had a different idea to begin with. Well, here is the start of it! My goal is to have this segment be able to walk (caterpillar like locomotion), in addition to being able to fold into a hexagon to roll. The individual guitar pick "legs" are perpendicular to the unfolded bot, allowing for it to turn while walking/rolling. They move back/forth using the same hinges and basic setup of Decascrap, only with the servo being in the middle and the legs on each side. When they fold down they will also allow for stability, in addition to allowing the bot to "roll" when folded into a hexagon.

For electronics, I will control this bot with x2 mini Dagu drivers, as I will be controlling 12 servos. If this project turns out to be successful, I'll build 1 or 3 more and attempt to integrate these as a new kind of "wheg", or wheel leg. I'll use headphone jacks to allow for "circular" movement.

At the moment I'll just focus on attaching the mini drivers, battery pack, running wires, and programming. I'll post a video when I achieve movement!

Hopefully Walk/Roll, Hybrid Tire?

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