
Posted on 18/05/2008 by christhecarpenter
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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So here's the deal folks, I scored this cool "Vex" starter kit... FREE!!  It is not actually a robot as it sits, more a build-your-own R/C car (you have to buy additional doo-dads to program it). However, EVERYTHING is hackable. Everything is a standard servo, either a 360 degree "motor" servo or a standard one. There are plenty of gears, collars, axles, wheels and the like.   This is simply the most solid, changable robot test bed one could ask for... For example, I wanted ...


So here's the deal folks, I scored this cool "Vex" starter kit... FREE!!

 It is not actually a robot as it sits, more a build-your-own R/C car (you have to buy additional doo-dads to program it). However, EVERYTHING is hackable. Everything is a standard servo, either a 360 degree "motor" servo or a standard one. There are plenty of gears, collars, axles, wheels and the like.


This is simply the most solid, changable robot test bed one could ask for...

For example, I wanted to try a three wheel robot with the third wheel being steered by a servo, well...


Now here's what's cool, the transmitter is very, very programable. --I simply programmed it to "mix" the main steering channel and the back wheel servo. Right now I have it set to turn the servo 50% of how far the stick is moved. I can adjust how much is mixed on the transmitter.  --Back to the cool part-- I should be a peice of cake to program a 28x to "mix" two channels and sence I have done an "erector-set" prototype I know the mechanics will work.



Another thing I like is the main drive is with servo motors. They only need one output each to work thus freeing up 2 channels and no need for a L293D. Very Cool.  --I'll get you all some video soon. 

So I got a "Vex" Starter Kit for Free!!

  • Actuators / output devices: A total of 4 servos
  • Control method: RF for now
  • CPU: RF receiver
  • Power source: More AA than God owns!
  • Programming language: Eventually Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Came with a few bump switches
  • Target environment: My workbench
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