S-BOT-i (spotty)

Posted on 12/06/2011 by jgc146
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi All I'm very new to robotics. Love all the robots you guys have made ........ very talented. Have been programming OpenGL API with C++ for the last 10 years as a hobby ( taking some time off in the middle to spend time with the proggs ). Then as I was on a long bicycle ride I was listening to "Stuff to blow your mind" Podcast and it was about robotics and AI this was 4 weeks ago ............ after a little research some trial and error here I am with my first bot. The Coding was the easy part ...

S-BOT-i (spotty)

Hi All

I'm very new to robotics. Love all the robots you guys have made ........ very talented.

Have been programming OpenGL API with C++ for the last 10 years as a hobby ( taking some time off in the middle to spend time with the proggs ). Then as I was on a long bicycle ride I was listening to "Stuff to blow your mind" Podcast and it was about robotics and AI this was 4 weeks ago ............ after a little research some trial and error here I am with my first bot. The Coding was the easy part for me, as for the electronics .......... still learning!!

Bot is at just starting out going to add another Sonar so that it just drives around objects instead of stopping to make a choice of what dirrection to head. Going to add an Accelerometer and speaker to give it more of a personallity with beeps and the like. Also will be adding some light sensors so it will head towards the brightest area or a torch.

Anyway all in the pipeline ...... also the kids want to decorate it in fur and call it "Spotty"  :)

Cheers Jimmer

21/06/11 just a quick update.

Waiting on some parts to arrive then it should be full steam ahead with putting this thing back together ... in the mean time have been tinkering with L.D.Rs , an 8 ohm speaker and some dance moves.!


 23rd June Update.

While I was testing S-BOT-i in the living room I noticed that my Pet Bearded Dragon was freaking out at the ultrasonic sensor!!Maybe it's a similar sound to a cricket ? I'll post a vid when I get the chance.

Bit of a downer. I think the right motor is on it's way out, Bot is now pushing more on the left wheel and making it turn in a large arc. I have compensated for this a little with the coding by running the left motor at a slightly slower rate, but I think it's only a matter of time before it goes completely.


24th June Update

Got all my new parts now. Not put it all tegether yet having a very busy weekend as it's my boys 5th birthday will get it all together on Monday then start getting into the programming.



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