Runt Rover with ESP8266 running NodeMUC

Posted on 29/04/2015 by jscottb
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Well I had a chassis for it, and wanted to make my little ESP8266/NodMCU only bot real, so I am mounting it on a Actobotics Runt Rover Peewee chassis.  It's using the same ESP-12 breakout board I had here and most of the code, but am modding for web control of the bot. I am still going to use the L9110S h-bridge for motor control. I plan to power it with a 7.4v li-ion pack. I will use a 3.3v regulator to run the ESP and a 5v reg for the HC-SR04. Am waiting on an alice order for the 5V, I have ...

Runt Rover with ESP8266 running NodeMUC

Well I had a chassis for it, and wanted to make my little ESP8266/NodMCU only bot real, so I am mounting it on a Actobotics Runt Rover Peewee chassis.  It's using the same ESP-12 breakout board I had here and most of the code, but am modding for web control of the bot. I am still going to use the L9110S h-bridge for motor control. I plan to power it with a 7.4v li-ion pack. I will use a 3.3v regulator to run the ESP and a 5v reg for the HC-SR04. Am waiting on an alice order for the 5V, I have a UBEC, but that seems like such overkill for a ultrasonic sensor!

I plan to muck around with the Wifi settings and give it a go as an AP and a nolmal station on the ESP. The web page (the one I have used for other bots) will be served up from the bot as the index page. The browser side javascript will send back URI calls with the directions etc.

Nothing life changing, but somthing to pass the time with. I'll post more and a video once I have power on the bot.


Bumble around with an ESP8266 only driven bot

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