RPi - Arduino - iPad robot

Posted on 08/08/2013 by bbbot
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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http://pinkypibot.blogspot.com/ Here is a link to my blog that has a lot of project details. Current code available as txt files Arduino and Python.  UPDATE 08-19-2013: I now have the iPad app (RasPiConnect) operating and the bot doing basic obstacle avoidance. Integrating camera next, then some OpenCV processing.

RPi - Arduino - iPad robot


Here is a link to my blog that has a lot of project details. Current code available as txt files Arduino and Python.  UPDATE 08-19-2013: I now have the iPad app (RasPiConnect) operating and the bot doing basic obstacle avoidance. Integrating camera next, then some OpenCV processing.

Obstacle avoidance and streaming video (someday soon)

  • Control method: WiFi control through iPad and autonomous obstacle avoidance
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04, RPi camera
  • Target environment: indoors
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