Rodrigo the photopopper

Posted on 12/02/2009 by noise0
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Features Lenght: 8 cmWidth: 6.7 cmHeight: 4 cmWeight: 34 gSchemaWork in progressComponents Qty Component Price 2 Solarbotics SCC3733 - 37 x 33mm Polycrystalline Solar Cell 14,60EUR 1 74HC240 CMOS Inverted Octal Bus Buffer 1,00 EUR 2 Micro-motoriduttore, rapporto 81:1, 370 RPM 26,40 EUR 2 Fotoresistenza LDR 07, ø 5 1,50 EUR     43.50 EUR

Rodrigo the photopopper


  • Lenght: 8 cm
  • Width: 6.7 cm
  • Height: 4 cm
  • Weight: 34 g


Work in progress


2 Solarbotics SCC3733 - 37 x 33mm Polycrystalline Solar Cell 14,60EUR
1 74HC240 CMOS Inverted Octal Bus Buffer 1,00 EUR
2 Micro-motoriduttore, rapporto 81:1, 370 RPM 26,40 EUR
2 Fotoresistenza LDR 07, ø 5 1,50 EUR
    43.50 EUR

Navigate toward light

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x geared pager motor
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: Sunlight
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x LDR
  • Target environment: outdoor, flat surface
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