Robotic cooking machine

Posted on 02/02/2014 by oakrobotics
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi alll, We've been working on a robotic cooking machine.  This is something designed to automate a class of foods - think stir fry, curry, chili, etc.  We're kicking off a beta test this week and would be curious to get any feedback you might have.  Thanks!

Robotic cooking machine

Hi alll,

We've been working on a robotic cooking machine.  This is something designed to automate a class of foods - think stir fry, curry, chili, etc.  We're kicking off a beta test this week and would be curious to get any feedback you might have.  Thanks!

Makes food that requires heating and stirring. Saves recipes for later playback.

  • Actuators / output devices: DC Gear motors, relay controlled heating element
  • Control method: Arduino, Bluetooth, android
  • Operating system: Android
  • Power source: 120v AC wall power
  • Programming language: Arduino, Android
  • Sensors / input devices: Limit switches. Sensors on smart phones.
  • Target environment: kitchen, caterers, home automation, restaurant
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